Decentralization through Digitalization to achieve Decarbonization
Electricity has changed our way of living and has brought a paradigm change in mankind's development in a very short span of time. it's high time we think differently into our ways of viewing energy and the way it's generated and transported. The vast amount of generation, transmission and distribution assets around us binds us to a vicious cycle of greed-based destruction. We are increasingly mining more, producing more, consuming more and our per capita consumption is on an all-time rise as we increasingly feel the need to surround ourselves with machines. Machines, Mines, Refineries and Power Lines that are owned and operated by a few select entities while the general population is forced to bow down to the dictated ways of generation and consumption of energy. It is as if we have no choice in our hands when it comes to choosing our source of energy. We get to choose the cloth we want to wear and make sure that an innocent animal is not harmed or a minimum wage laborer in Bangladesh is not exploited.
Do we get much choice when it comes to electricity and transportation?
Do we have any model to calculate our net anthropogenic energy consumption and generation?
Do we further have any model to visualize the sources, investments and sustainable practices?
Anthropocene Solutions will answer these basic challenges through a collaborative approach to research-based policy intervention and multi-stakeholder based peer-reviewed knowledge exchange. Anthropocene Solutions will host the Whos Who of Energy Industry Leaders and Pioneers trying to solve our day to day challenges of energy delivery. It will provide an unbiased platform to let the knowledge experts debate and address the urgent needs of energy security for all. It will also act as an independent platform for joint research project collaboration, social media for researchers, an open-source knowledge database
In the next decade, Anthropocene Solutions aims to engage more than a million researchers who will jointly change the way we Generate, Transport and Consume Energy. Anthropocene Solutions will develop independent knowledge reports developed voluntarily by academicians, industry leaders, the general populace, regulatory experts, NGO activists, scientists
Anthropocene Solutions will deliver research only in the following area/objective
"Decentralization through Digitalization to achieve Decarbonization"
We at Anthropocene Solutions are a bunch of ordinary citizens trying to bring people together in our fight against the traditional ways of energy Generation, Transportation, and Distribution.
Anthropocene Solution will always be a virtual office and will never establish physical address to keep researchers anonymous/ grant partial anonymity as per the research paper
Researchers reserve the right to disclose their work to the general public or stay anonymous, while such anonymous contributed research papers will only work as public knowledge material and unuseful for any academic citing.
Anthropocene Solutions will thus engage the thinkers of today's world to co-develop sustainability standards, sustainability voluntary practices, sustainability roadmaps for companies, sustainability strategy, and sustainable livelihood promotion.
No research projects moderated by Anthropocene Solutions will ever create any monetary pipeline or donations. All of our researchers are expected to deliver projects as per timelines and project objectives completely free of cost and are expected to spend their own resources for any joint research meetings, research events, community events, etc.
As we run a virtual office, we will never need donations to sustain and will solely rely on ad revenues, while the adds must meet our sustainable practices guidelines. The ad revenues will be equivalent to the amount needed to maintain the Anthropocene Solutions research platform, necessary community engagement, branding, and media, etc.
Kindly reach me on the following email address to know more about us and join.